Feb 20 update:
Ngāi Tahu boxer Robbie Berridge wins fight against opponent Kerry Foley by TKO, 2:12sec in the 10th round!
Te Kāea will have the full report later today.
Photo / source: Duco Boxing
Feb 19:
Ngāi Tahu boxer Robbie Berridge is confident he can do the job tonight, with only hours to go until he makes his first PABA title.
The NZ light-heavyweight boxer Robbie and his opponent, Australia's Kerry Foley, both weighed in at 79 kilo's on the dot.
The event will also see former NZ Champion Lance Revill's son, Jacob make his first cruiser-weight fight outside of NZ against Shane Quinn.
The event will also feature NRL Sharks Captain Paul Gallen to make his pro debut.
Gallen recently spent time with Kevin Barry and NZ heavyweight, Joseph Parker in preparation for the fight.