Regional | Regionals

Waitaha Senior Kapa Haka Competition- Te Iti o Tahuna

Originating from the picturesque resort town of Queenstown, Te iti o Tahuna is a group who stems from Wakatipu High School.

Having only been established a few months ago, this will be their first performance at the Waitaha regional kapa haka competition.

This is also the first time most of the groups' performers will take the stage, however, others are more familiar with the kapa haka scene.

Their bracket consisted of a variety of kaupapa in which they hold dear to them.

This group is new to the competition and their whakaeke spoke of their introduction to the realm of Hinerēhia and Tānerore.

Te Iti o Tahuna presented a very special waiata-ā-ringa in memory of a young girl who tragically drowned in Lake Wakatipu last year. It was her mothers wish for the group to compose an item as a way of bidding her a final farewell.

The main message in this waiata talks of losing someone well before their time.

The tutors of this group are Jahmaine Cummings-Hodge and Mahia Brown, who says, "as a group, we are hoping to make it to Te Matatini, however, if we are unsuccessful, this competition will be a great experience for all our performers."

Mahia also says that this occasion is beneficial for the performers, as they get to witness the display of "Māoritanga" which is a rare occurrence in Queenstown.

The Manukura Tāne for the group is Te Tuhi Purakau and Elizabeth Davis is the Manukura Wāhine.

Here is the groups whakaeke, Te Iti o Tahuna composed by its tutors.