National | Gisborne

Te Kura Wiwini, Te Kura Wawana - Ngā Kura Kaupapa Māori o Te Puku o Te Ika a Māui

Ngā Kura Kaupapa Māori o Te Puku combines the talent of Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Ruamatā, Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Whakarewa i te reo ki Tūwharetoa and Te Kura Kōkiri representing Te Arawa waka.

Formed in 1998 by Pihitahi Whauwhau, Cathy Dewes and wider whānau of Ruamatā, this will be the fourth time on the national stage for this kapa.

The kapa is tutored this year by Te Rangihau Whauwhau, Puao Whauwhau, Kereama Wright and Tanawhea Whauwhau.

The group is led this year by their kaitātaki wahine Mereana Matekino-Thocolich (Ngāti Korokī, Te Arawa) and Te Ngawari Wright (Te Arawa, Ngā Ruahinerangi), and the kaitātaki tāne is Akapita Kautai (Te Arawa, Ngāi Tuhoe).

In their waiata tira this evening, they paid tribute to their kaumātua Rawiri Rangitauira, who they just laid to rest earlier today.