National | Hone Harawira

Hone Harawira farewelled from Parliament

He has certainly been a strong voice for the poor and vulnerable in Parliament and despite his departure, Hone Harawira is vowing the work won't end there. MANA supporters had strong praise for him today as they farewelled him from Parliament.

Hone Harawira walked down the halls of Parliament for the last time. His family and the MANA movement arriving to take the Te Tai Tokerau stalwart home.

Hone Harawira opened his speech talking of where his walk to Parliament began, the Foreshore Seabed march of 2004.

True to form the firebrand MP wasn't about to leave Parliament before laying down a few challenges.

Hone Harawira spent nine years as the Te Tai Tokerau MP. He was defeated by Kelvin Davis by just over 1100 votes.

Kim Dotcom says it was his fault. However, Hone Harawira didn't talk about him, the Internet Party, or the election results.

MANA members say Kim Dotcom wasn't the price which led to Hone Harawira losing his seat.

His is certainly a fire not easily extinguished. At MANA meetings held over the past few days the consensus has certainly been to continue with the fight.

So as Hone Harawira's bus leaves Parliament for the last time, MANA claim the fight certainly doesn't end here.