National | Dr. Pita Sharples

Kua tohua a Tākuta Sharples hei Tā mā te Kāhui o te Kuini

He manutaki tōrangapū Māori nō tērā tau ka heke, e whakarangatirahia ana mō āna mahi nui hei mema pāremata, otirā mā te iwi Māori.

Ko Tākuta Pita Sharples tērā kua tohua mai hei Tā o te Kāhui Hiranga o Aotearoa i roto i ngā tohu hōnore i te rā huritau o te Kuini o Ingarangi i te rā nei.

Nō tāna tohutanga ki te tohu CBE i te tau iwa tekau mō ana mahi mā te iwi Māori, i pīkau tonu ia i aua mahi i roto i āna mahi tōrangapū.

Kāre e mutu ana aua mahi, ahakoa tāna hekenga iho i te mahi tōrangapū i te tau ki muri nei, hāunga anō ngā utu.

Ko te poipioi i te toru tekau piriona o te ōhanga Māori, ko te oranga o ngā rangatahi Māori me te mana tiaki i te reo māori e titikaha tonu ana ki tōna ngākau. Āpiti atu, ko te puāwai tonutanga o tōna whānau i roto i ngā taonga pū a te Māori.

Ko te kākano o te amorangi i tō ki a ia i te kura tuarua o Te Aute, ā koia hoki tāna e tiria ana.

Anei ērā atu kua tohua ki te Rārangi Whakahōnore o te Kuini mō ngā mahi mā te iwi Māori:

KNZM - Dr The Honourable Pita Russell Sharples, CBE, for services as a Member of Parliament and to Māori

CNZM - Dr Lionel John Wood, QSO, for services to tertiary education and Māori

ONZM - Mr Edward Weller Ellison, for services to Māori and conservation

ONZM - Professor Elizabeth Ann McKinley, for services to education and Māori

ONZM - Mr Te Wahapu Rapana, for services to Māori

ONZM - Mrs Denise Sheat, for services to Māori and education

MNZM - Mr Henri Jacques Burkhardt, for services to Māori

MNZM - Mr Mauriora Kingi, JP, for services to Māori

MNZM - Mr Nigel Ngahiwi, for services to the blind and Māori

MNZM - Mr Manahi Paewai, for services to Māori

MNZM - Mrs Nora Tawhi Rameka, for services to Māori and education

MNZM - Mr Allen Wihongi, for services to Māori, the arts and education

MNZM - Mr Tawhirimatea Te Auripo Rewita Williams, for services to Māori and education

QSM - Mrs Judith Merenako Billens, for services to Māori

QSM - Mrs Paku Jane Brown, for services to Māori

QSM - Ms Harima Thelma Renei Fraser, for services to veterans and Māori

QSM - Mr Ronald Boyd Hudson, for services to Māori

QSM - Mrs Ethel Taihaere Macpherson, for services to Māori and education

QSM - Mr Minarapa Mitai-Ngatai, for services to Māori and the community

QSM - Mr Stewart Tuari John James Panapa, for services to Māori and education

QSM - Mrs Mere Neehi Pirikahu, for services to Māori

QSM - Mr Herewini Selwyn Tarawa, for services to Māori

QSM - Mr Te Uru O Te Whetu Frederick Whata, for services to Māori

KNZM = Knight Companion of The New Order of Merit
CNZM = Companion of The New Zealand Order of Merit
ONZM = Officer of The New Zealand Order of Merit
MNZM = Member of The New Zealand Order of Merit
QSM = The Queen's Service Medal