National | Arts

Drawing of Jerry Collins goes up for auction in support of family

Aaron Jenkins, an artist from Havelock North, has gone out of his way to create a drawing of the late Jerry Collins who, along with his wife, died in a horrific car accident on Friday night (NZT).

Their 4 month-year-old baby was also involved in the accident and remains in a critical condition.

Jenkins has put the drawing of Collins up for auction on Trademe, where the public can bid on the piece.

The total amount of money raised currently is $1,040, however, with the rise in public interest, that number is sure to climb.

The piece will be framed and sent off to the successful recipient and proceeds will be handed over to the family.

Jenkins has set up a Facebook page where this particular drawing, along with a range of other work he has produced, can be found.

The Trademe auction can also be viewed here.