National | Language

Revival of Māori Language Society

The Māori Language Society was pivotal in pushing the government to declare Māori an official language and a lecturer from the Victoria University, Vini Olsen-Reeder, is now reviving the group.

According to Mr Olsen-Reeder, “The main initiative of the Māori Language Society is for students to be able to speak te reo Māori outside of the classroom.”

Tamati Kruger was one of the founding members of the Māori Language Society in the 1970s, but it was disestablished a decade later. It was a key group in the campaign that led to the Māori Language Act in 1987.

“We like to debate issues of the day regarding the Māori language like the new Māori Language Bill and the Māori language strategy, those sorts of issues,” says Mr Olsen-Reeder.

It is hoped that more will catch on to this initiative throughout the country.