Regional | Auckland

The chase for top of the Fox Memorial ladder is on

Two fierce games took place over the weekend in the Fox Memorial League competition in Auckland; top of the ladder Mt Albert Lions playing the second-placed Sea Eagles, and the fourth-placed Marist Saints against Point Chev Pirates, who are currently third.

While it was a close game between the first and second teams, that wasn't so with the third and fourth.

Mt Albert Lions opened up the scores against the second-placed Papakura Sea Eagles.

A no-look pass saw a try scored on the other side of the field.  The Lions scored again just minutes later, leaving Papakura scoreless.

It wasn't until the second half that Papakura scored and with a player down, Papakura found it easier to score against Mt Albert.  Papakura then scored their third of the match.

However, it was the Lions that scored the last try, to win in the final minutes, 20–16.

The Marist Saints scored the first try of their match against the Point Chev Pirates, however the Pirates came back to score 2 tries to lead at half-time: 12–6.

Malo Solomona used his fancy footwork to score the first try of the second half.  His team scored another 2 tries following that.

The Saints rallied, coming back to score in the corner.

But it was too little too late, as the Pirates came back to score another 3 tries to win the match 48-10.