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Tuvalu culture and language holds strong in Auckland

The Tuvalu language and culture is alive and thriving says Sagaa Malua from Auckland Tuvalu Community Trust.  Tuvalu Language week has kicked off today around the country.

According to the 2013 census over 3,500 people of Tuvalu descent lived in New Zealand, two thirds of them live in Auckland.

“There are 8 islands in Tuvalu, when they move to NZ they join their own island community, but they are all under the Auckland Tuvalu Society Trust," says Malua.

Malua says despite the language alive and well with the older generation, the New Zealand born Tuvaluans sometimes find it difficult to pick up the language.  “It’s about 50-50, some of them speak the language (Tuvaluan) at home and the other half feels more comfortable speaking English.”

Malua has grown up speaking Tuvaluan and taught her all of children to speak the language.

There are events happening around the country in conjunction with Tuvalu Language Week in Auckland, Wellington, Otaki and Canterbury.

For the full schedule click here.