Tūhoe rōpū, Te Waimana Kaaku were the second to last rōpū to take the Mataatua Regional stage.
The group was established in 1971 to participate in Te Hui Ahurei a Tūhoe, a biannual event that that gives Tūhoe descendants the chance to come together and celebrate their unique identity.
Under the guidance of the Rakuraku whānau the group will be led on stage by kaitataki tāne Martin Rakuraku and kaitātaki wahine Goldie Hape.
They acknowledge those who have passed away recently
Tūhoetanga resonates throughout Waimana’s bracket, including a waiata “Puhikura o Pohatu” portraying a physical and spiritual flight through Te Urewera. The rōpū also retrace the history of Te Hui Ahurei a Tūhoe in their haka, and acknowledge prominent people who have passed recently in their waiata tira, waiata-ā-ringa and whakawātea.