National | Auckland

$5mil to provide 10 new classrooms for Auckland schools

Today it was announced that around $5 million is being invested to provide three Auckland schools with a total of 10 new classrooms.

Today’s announcement is on top of $153 million announced in June for new schools and classrooms across Auckland.

Education Minister Hekia Parata says, “Six of these new classrooms will add additional capacity to the Auckland school network, to help meet roll growth, and the others will replace existing classrooms.

Belmont Primary School will receive three extra classrooms, Rongomai School will get two extra and three replacement classrooms, and Flat Bush School will get one extra and one replacement classroom.”

“More than one-third of the country’s population now lives in the Auckland region, and we’re committed to adding capacity to local schools to help accommodate roll growth.

As a result of initiatives such as the Auckland roll growth programme, school redevelopments, new schools and other projects, more than 17,000 new places will be created in Auckland schools by 2019.”