National | Earthquake

Red Cross announces $1,000 grant for quake damaged homes

New Zealand Red Cross has announced a grant to assist people whose homes have been damaged by the Kaikōura earthquakes on the 14th of November.

The Damaged Home Grant of NZ$1,000 will be available for people whose residential homes received either a red or yellow sticker, or were required to evacuate their homes for seven days or longer following quakes.

“This was a huge event that caused significant damage to people’s homes, lives and livelihoods,” says New Zealand Red Cross Secretary General Tony Paine.

“We are launching the Damaged Home Grant because we know more than 570 homes have been damaged. While Kiwis are a resourceful bunch who’ve been making do and helping each other, they need a bit of help themselves. This grant will give those people a small helping hand.”

In addition to the Damaged Home Grant New Zealand Red Cross continues to monitor and respond to the needs of people affected by the earthquakes across the country.

Red Cross volunteers and staff are currently going door-to-door in Kaikōura to ensure people are connected to help that is available and are providing social support.

Since 14 November, Red Cross volunteers have logged more than 9,000 hours of service, delivered 250 parcels of food, spoken with 1,100 residents through outreach and door-knocking projects alongside local community groups, and installed hand-washing stations in Kaikōura.

To date, Red Cross has raised more than $3 million for the November 2016 Earthquake Appeal.

“I’d like to thank the generous people near and far who have donated to our appeal; to the people who dug deep and made these grants possible – thank you. And to the people who have helped out, our Red Cross teams and anyone who has lent a hand - thank you,” says Mr Paine.