Established in 1934, hailing from Te Tairawhiti, Hikurangi has a long and rich history in its rohe affiliating to the hapū of Te Aitanga-a-Mate, Te whānau a Rakairoa and Te Aowera.
The group aims to preserve the traditions, waiata and legacy of Hikurangi. They also aim to extend and replenish their repertoire with a new generation of signature items, whilst continuing to grow the collective cultural capital to maintain and sustain the tikanga of their marae, hapū and Ngāti Porou.has
After a 38-year hiatus Hikurangi stood at the 2016 Tamararo regional competition finishing 3rd and securing their spot at Te Matatini 2017.
They are lead by kaitātaki tane Ngarimu Parata and kaitātaki wahine Avril Keelan. Their tutors are Kuini Moehau Reedy, Pele Takurua, Ngarimu Parata and and Taina Ngarimu.
Hikurangi has chosen to share their whakaeke 'Horotaki' which depicts the journey of Horouta waka and what it encompasses.