National | Kapa haka

Ka tū tētahi kapa tāne ki te whakataetae haka takiiwa o Jojo

Ko te whakamīharo i ngā kai-whiriwhiri tā te kapa tāne o Ngā Kete Tuku Iho e whai nei i te tuatahi o Ngā Whakataetae Kapahaka o Te Iwa o Matariki Jojo Super 9 ki Rotorua. He hui tēnei ka whakamānawa i tētahi ō rātou i hinga i tēnei tau, i a Waimarie Jolene Jojo Waaka, he tino kaihaka o Te Arawa.

E whakatikatika ana ngēnei pūru taitama ākonga mai i ngā kura whakaairo wānanga o Ngā Kete Tuku Iho o Aotearoa ki te whakanui i tētehi o ō rātou tino kaiārahi.

Hei tā Maharaia Chisall, Ngāti Whakaaue, Ngāti Maru, Te Whakatoehea, "He poka noa tōna wairua. Engari he poka noa pai nei. He tino momo tōna wairua. Nui ōna wā ka haere mai ki a mātou tōna noaiho he whakakata, ahakoa ko wai te tangata, ahakoa he kaimahi, he tūruhi rānei."

E iwa ngā kapa, tokoiwa ngā kaihaka o ia kapa, ka kuhu ki te mura o te ahi mō ngā meneti e iwa, whērā i tōna whānau me ngā hoa piripono o Jojo.

Hei tā Arohaina Waaka, Te Arawa, Tainui waka, "It's amazing how many people she has touched and for them to do this only five months after she's passed, is a big honour for my sister and for our whānau too."

Ko tā Flavian Kingi, Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Te Arawa, Ngāti Kahungunu, "This is a good way for us to relive and reminise on how she was as a person. So things that will come out on stage I'm guessing wouldn't be the ordinary, right down to kākahu. Everything will be like her, out the gate."

Nā Eraia Kiel te whakataetae mahi a rēhia o nāianei i hanga, nā whai anō i te hinga ohorere o Jojo Waaka, i te tīmatanga o te tau. , He ngākau nui ki ngā mahi haka, he kaiwhakangahau, tata ana ki te rua marama ia i mate ai, i muri mai i te hinganga o tōna pāpā o Minita Te Napi Tūtewehiwehi Waaka.

Hei tā Kiel New Zealand Māori Arts and Crafts General Manager, "Ko te tino manako ka tū tēnei whakataetae ia tau ia tau, kia kore tātou e wareware ki ōna pukenga, ki ōna mahi whakangahau i te marea ahakoa ko wai, ahakoa nō hea."

Ko tā Waaka, Te Arawa, Tainui waka, "If they can keep it going, then they're doing what Jojo would of and my father would have wanted which is keeping our reo alive and keeping our culture alive."

Ka tīmata te whakataetae ā tērā Rāapa ki Te Puia, me ngā kōwhiringa toa ka tū ā te Rāmere.