National | Elections

E tautoko ana te Pāti Māori i te oranga tonu o ngā tūru Māori

E whakahau ana te Pāti Māori i te iwi Māori kia kaua e hoatu pōti ki a Aotearoa Tuatahi. Koianei te whakahoki ki te tono a Winston Peters kia turakina ngā tūru Māori.

Ko tā te kaiarahi tuarahi o te Pāti Māori a Marama Fox, "Without the Māori seats great Māori leaders would not have come through to make the changes that they have done."

Engari, ko te hiahia o Winston Peters kia whai urupare te motu mo te whakakāhoretanga, "Today, a majority of those entitled to be on the Māori roll are not, they're on the general roll. Māori don't need the Māori seats, they don't need any more tokenism."

E uapare ana a Shane Jones i te Pāti Māori, "He wa anō i mana ai ngā tūru Māori. Ko nga turu Māori kua whakakoretakengia nā ngā mahi o te Pāti Māori."

Kāore te Pāti Māori e noho puku ana i te au o te wero, "We're not about moving backwards we're about moving forward and looking at the future and Winston Peters quite frankly, he's out. These guys are simply chasing the pale, stale, male vote."

I toro hoki a Shane Jones i āna whakawhiu ki Ngā Rangatira-ā-Iwi, "Ko ngā kaitorangapū kei ēra tūru inaeanei kei raro i te panekoti o te Iwi Leaders group. Kua haramai ko te Iwi Leaders group, ko rātou kei te whakapōhēhē i te marea whānui kei roto i o rātou ringaringa te rongoa mo tāua te Māori, kahore."

E ai ki a Marama Fox, "They are representatives of their iwi and their hapu and I do not not have a problem working with the Iwi Leaders Forum and the Iwi Chairs Forum. They are not out of touch, go and see what they do with their mahi in looking after our people."

Ko tā te tumuaki Pāti Māori tā Tukuroirangi Morgan me haere tika te Māori ki te rārangi pōti Māori, ā, ki te hiahia, ka āhei ki te tini.