Mavis Mullins is joining Princess Te Puea Herangi as the only two Māori women to be inducted into the New Zealand Business Hall of Fame. Kaumātua have traveled from Whanganui to attend the induction and to celebrate Mavis' success.
These are the proud voices of the whānau of Mavis Mullins, Māoridom's latest laureate to be inducted into the New Zealand Business Hall of Fame.
Ngā Paerangi, Te Āti Haunui ā Pāpārangi kaumātua Merekānara Huwyler says, “It's a great honour for us as Ngā Paerangi, for our girl to receive this distinction.”
She's the second Māori woman ever to gain such an honour, the first was Princess Te Puea Hērangi who was inducted posthumously in 1998.
Mavis’s cousin Ina Whanarere says, “The kumara does not say how sweet he is, I am her and she is me, she's a great example for us all.”
From her humble beginnings managing the Paewai family shearing business to now,
Mavis says success in business comes down to hard work, "It's about passion it's about the commitment it's about people it's about all of those things, business is fun anyone can do it but it's a long haul."
Ngā Paerangi, Ngāti Hinearo, Ngāti Tūera, Ngāti Tūpoho kaumātua Wipaki Peeti says, “Back in the days it was the Paewai family shearing business, so a big mihi to the Paewai family.”
Mavis Mullins says, "Don't forget whanau, you don't want to get to the end of the journey a successful person without your whanau."
The 2017 laureates are being inducted at the New Zealand Chambers of Commerce annual black-tie gala dinner tonight.