National | Drugs

Kei te pukuriri ngā kainoho o Matatā ki te mahi whiu para a ngā kaiwhakamahi P

Kei te pukuriri ngā kainoho o Matatā ki te mahi whiu para a ngā kaiwhakamahi P.

He whawhai kei te haere ki te rohe o Waiariki ki te whakapōauau P. Kei te pukuriri ngā kainoho o Matatā i te mahi whiu para a ngā kaiwhakamahi P ki ngā wāhi whānau.

Ko Matatā tēnei. He tāone mārire ki te Tai Rāwhiti e rongonuitia ana mō te māenene o te taha tai.

Ēngari, he raru nui e noho muna ana, e matua whakararu ana i ngā kainoho.

Ko tā tētahi kainoho o Matatā, a Marsha Playle, "Don't come here and smoke your P. Come here and visit and enjoy the views but don't you come here and smoke your P and leave it here for us to pick up."

I ā ia e hīkoi ana ki te moana, i tūpono kite a Marsha Playle i ētahi taputapu whakamahi ki te papa rēhia o te taone.

"I come across a broken light bulb and two methampetamine bags."

Ko tā Marsha, me mahi ngātahi te hapori ki te kaunihera ā-rohe me te kāwanatanga ki te whakakore i te whakapōauau P ki Waiariki.

"I'm hoping that the community does come together, which I reckon they will, and have a kōrero with the regional council and Whakatāne District Council and the Department of Conservation."

Kei te whakaae te kaitono Reipa mō Te Tai Rāwhiti a Kiritapu Allan.

"I agree with the whāea. I think that it is a whole community '360' approach. We're responsible. As you know, I'm an aspirant politician, our communities, our councils."

Hei tēra wiki ka tū tētahi hui hapori kia wānangahia ai ngā take P o Te Waiariki.