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He aru koretau ā-kura o mua, he pūkenga oranga hinengaro onāianei.

E ai ki te rīpoata Te Rau Matatini mō ngā rangatahi Māori, waranga hoki, he nui ake te hiahia o te Māori ki te whakaheke kai pūroi, waipiro hoki.

Ko tā te mahi o te ākonga Māori o te tau o Careerforce, o Turaukawa Bartlett, he tautoko i ngā whānau Māori i roto i ngā take hauora.

"I was once a rangatahi who got labelled a druggie, who was a high school dropout and was told I was never going to become anything. I remember one specific moment when I received a letter from my school and I had failed NCEA Level 1."

Ko tōna wāhi huri ko te whakataunga māuiui o tōna tamaiti ki te takiwātanga, te hiringa māna kia whai mātauranga.

"The experience got me and said maybe you can help other whānau and possibly bring that no matter what happens in your life you can turn it around."

E whakahaeretia ana a Barlett i tētahi hōtaka rangatahi ki te kāreti o Paeroa, arā ko Te Ara Tapu a Tāne. Ka ako pūkenga kaiārahi ngā tauira, ka aronui ki te whakaheke tūkino.

"While I'm there to talk about drugs and alcohol, we don't talk about that. What we do is we try and find connections to whakapapa, to your whānau, to who you are and where you come from and what you want to do."

Mā tōna mahi ki Te Korowai Hauora o Hauraki, āhei ai a Barlett te tautoko i ngā whānau Māori i roto i ngā take hauora.

"I remember the first time a whānau said I don't need you anymore and I was devastated, but at the end of that, that's what it's about. We're trying to work so that we become redundant so whānau can have that self-advocacy, they can be resilient for themselves."

Kei te whai ia i te tohu pae tuawhitu mō ngā take waranga, mahi tohutohu hoki me te whakaaronui kia whakaawe i te hunga rangatahi kia whāia te iti kahurangi.