Regional | Rugby league

Wā tuatahi hīmene ai a Whīti ki Aotearoa

Mō te wā tuatahi kite ai a Aotearoa i te hīmene o te kapa Fiji Bati.

Nō te tau rua mano mā waru tīni ai te Cibi, he momo haka, ki tēnei hīmene.

He āhua rerekē te waiata i mua i te pakanga, engari he hīmene e waiatatia whānuitia ana e ngā kapa hākinakina o Whīti

E ai ki a Ilaitia Tagi, Minita o Whīti, “In Fiji, it's very popular. To be honest with you, it's very popular. Because they do E know the lyrics of the song. This is our prayer, love god coming to help us.

I te whakataetae rīki o te ao rua mano mā waru, i whakatō te minita o Whīti, a Ilaitia Tagi i te hīmene i te mea e hāngai ana taua hīmene ki a rātou.

“First of all, the Fiji Bati team always performed what is called a Cibi. Compared to our Fiji Rugby Union team, they performed Cibi. We know they performed that to inspire people.”

Kaitaunaki mai, kaitākaro mai, he whakahirahira tēnei hīmene ki ngā tāngata nō Whīti. He hokinga mahara ki tērā o ngā kaitākaro o mua.

Hei tā Petero Civonaceva, kaitākaro o mua, “I was probably one of the best experiences throughout my Rugby League career just being able to sing the anthem, to sing the hymn. There's something very special about being part of the Fiji Bati team.”

E manako ana tēnei kapa mā te hāhi rātou e pakari ake i a rātou hoariri mō te pō.

“Fiji doesn't have the materials and the resources that tier one nations have. What we believe that is that the difference between us can be covered by the god whom we serve,” nā Tagi.

Kāore i te mōhio mēna rānei ka hoki mai a Whīti ki Aotearoa, nō reira koinei anahe te pō e kitea ai tēnei wero.