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Kua puare te tohunga kaiwhatu kākahu a Shona Tawhiao tōna toa hōu

Kua whakapuare te tohunga kaiwhatu kākahu a Shona Tawhiao i tētahi toa hōu ki tōna wā kāinga o Tauranga, e rua wiki i mua i te kirihimete.

Ko te Kohinga o Ngā Kākahu Tuku Iho a Tawhiao kua kitea i ngā papahīkoi hurinoa i te ao - kua hoki ki te kāinga.

“I'm hoping they'll all go to good homes from here,” i mea atu ia.

“And then I can start building new collections, new works, I've got a lot of new ideas that I need to get out.”

Nā te tohunga kaiwhatu, nā Te Kahu Toi Te Kanawa a Tawhiao i whakaako ki ngā mahi raranga ka kitea i Ngā Wiki Whakatairanga Kākahu i Te Āporo Nui, i Poipiripi, i Mareia i tēnei tau.

“The work is received really well overseas. Sometimes even better than here at home. They're I think more open-minded to things that are different and other cultures as well.”

E toru ngā kohinga kākahu rāranga kua whakatōpū atu ki te wāhi kotahi mai i tōna rau atu ki te Whakaatu Kākahu o Miromoda i Te Wiki whakanui i ngā kākahu o Aotearoa. Ko te whakī tāna, ahatia e mōhiotia whānuitia ana ngāna kākahu i te ao, kāore anō ia kia whiwhi i ngā hua putea.

“I'm probably way more famous than I'm rich. But that's okay. It's still creating an awareness for my work which is basically the main kaupapa for me.”

Wheoi, he wawata hōu ngōna mō ngāna mahi.

“I think I need to get into everyday wear. Streetwear and put them on my online shop, that then I'm hoping it'll be financially okay.”

Hei tā Tawhiao nō naianei ngāna kākahu o ia rā.

“I'd like to base it on, still on the concepts as my woven work which is war, battles, hip-hop, samurai warriors.”

Hei te Matariki, hei tērā tau tū ai tētehi whakaaturanga papahīkoi me ngā kākahu hōu a Tawhiao ki tōna papakāinga ki te motu o Matakana.