National | Christmas

Te hoko atu o ngā taonga kirihimete ki runga ipurangi

Me whai whakaaro te hunga kīhae i rata ki ō rātou perehana ki te wahine i whihwhi he konga mo te wā Kirihimete. Koinei tētahi perehana o te tini me te mano e hokona atu ki Trade Me.

Kaore he kiko ki te kōrero 'he tāonga pea te para ki tētahi atu' ki tēnei perehana, ēngari he hua pea mo te maha atu e hokona atu ki TradeMe.

Hei tā tētahi o Māngai TradeMe a Logan Mudge, "The Unwanted gifts category started Christmas morning and we saw about 300 things listed on the site before the ham was in the oven."

He pūtea te whiwhi mo te kimi kainga hou mo nga perehana kīhae i hiahia.

"I think last year we got 10,000 -15,000 [listings]. So far we've got about 2000 but it ramps up throughout the week.

Ēngari he tikanga pai te hoko atu i ngā perehana mo te pūtea?

"53-percent of kiwis in our survey said they were up for it. If it’ there to be sold they should do it but then again 37-percent of people did say they'd be dissappointed or upset if their gift was listed on TradeMe so you have to be a bit covert when you do it."

He tokomaha nga momo rawa e hokona atu, ēngari ko te rawa tino rerekē ko tētahi pīti.

"Some of the weirder things were seeing includes an unwanted beetroot. The proceeds are going to charity and it looks like the seller is a bit of a classic kiwi who is having a laugh."

Ka kapi te wahanga hoko atu mo ngā perehana nei hei te tīmatanga o te marama o Kohitatea