National | Hip hop

He kanohi hou ki te ao rotarota o Aotearoa, arā, ko Jess B tōna ingoa.

He kairotarota pao a Jess B, e puta nei ōna rongo i te ao waiata o Aotearoa. I kōrero mai ia ki a Te Kāea i mua i te whakarewanga ake o tōna kōpae ā tērā wiki.

Kei te tū ake ia hei māngai, hei tauira anō hoki mō ngā wāhine iwi taketake, otirā, ngā wāhine puta noa.

Hei tāna, “Being strong, being a woman, a woman of colour and being able to be a representative for those people and for young girls who might be looking up to me. I've always been passionate about that and have tried to bring it through in not just my music but my imagery and the things that I'm doing as well.”

He uri whakaheke nō Kenya, tipu ake ai a Jess B ki Tāmaki Makaurau, me te aha, nā ōna wheako whao ai tōna tirohanga ki te ao.

“It's really important for me to be able to represent the people that are from here and also acknowledge the way that I see the world because I grew here and the cultures that I grew up with in New Zealand.”

Koia te wahine tuatahi ki te hōtaka rotarota a Red Bull Studio's 64 Bars, he taumata kia whakaatu i ngā pūkenga tuitui kōrero o ngā kairotarota o Aotearoa . Hei tāna me whakanui i wā tātau wāhine ia rā, ka mutu, kia kaua tātau e kōpaki i te āhua a te wahine, engari kia whakanuia te katoa.

“It's really important to consider all of the different types of women that we live with in society and we need to be working to create more opportunities and visibility for all of us not just one group in particular.”

Hei tā Jess B kei te rapa tonu ia i tōna ake oro ahurei.

“I don't want to limit myself to just one theme that I talk about I want to talk about all things that are relevant in my life too so that includes having fun with my girls and I don't know, heartbreak, all of that stuff.”

Ka whakamārama ia, “Ultimately it's just me it's different facets of me and different energies and attitudes that I've kind of grown into and come across and I've been on this journey myself.”

Kātahi anō puta mai te whitiāhua hei kīnaki i tana waiata  'Take it Down', ā, hei te wiki e tū mai nei rewa ake tōna kōpae tuatahi a 'Bloom'. Ka tae atu ōna hoa a Bailey Wiley rāua ko Ladi6 ki te tautoko atu.