Ko te wā tuatahi tēnei ka tae atu tētahi kura nō Kuki Airangi ki te taiopenga Polyfest. Kua pōwhiritia Te Kāreti o Tereora ki Rarotonga kia tatū mai ki Aotearoa, ki konei tū ai ki te whakangahau hei manuhiri tūārangi ki te taiopenga o Polyfest.
He whakawhitinga ahurea e haere ake nei.
He tauira a Vaeruarangi Papera o Te Kāreti o Teremoana, he mema o te rōpū haka anō hoki, arā hei tāna, “Man I hope they really learn something from us we want to teach them something from the Cook Islands.”
Ko te kupu a te kaitātaki wahine a Ambushia Mateariki, “The items we'll do at the polyfest is what we do at the constitution which is the Pe'e, imene tuki, ute, action song and drum dance.”
Hei tā te Tumuaki o Tereora a Tania Morgan, hīkaka ana rātau ki tēnei wheako kei mua.
“Naturally we're pumped, we're geared up and we really are proud of our students, proud of our whole learning community that we've been able to get this far.”
I tū ai te rōpū ngahau o Te Kāreti o Tereora ki te whakanui i te tūwheratanga o tō rātau whare hou.
Ko tā Morgan, "The design of it (the College) actually came from two former students of Tereora College and they have just finished university in New Zealand (so they have been taught here, educated here in the Cook Islands, went off to university, came back and designed it so we're very proud of that fact."
Hei tā Morgan ka whai āheinga i te whare hou nei.
Āpiti atu, inā whiua te pātai ngā tauira o Tereora mēnā ka pīrangi rātau ki te whakataetae ki Polyfest, ko tā Vaeruarangi Papera, “Maybe a little bit but we don't mind.”
Hei tā Ambushia Mateariki , “As New Zealanders they won't expect us to perform there.”
“Or compete against them so maybe next time,” te kī a Papera.
Hei tāna anō, “It's really important aye we're pretty much excited to come show our culture on that side just can't wait.”
Hei te tekau mā ono o Maehe tū ai Te Kapa o Tereora ki taiopenga Polyfest.