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Ka tūwhera te kāpata kai kore utu tuarua ki Tūranga

Kua tae atu te kaupapa pātaka kai kore utu ki Tūranganui a Kiwa ā kei te whakawhānui ake ki te hapori. Na ngā kaitūao o Ngā Ringa Awhina te tuwhera tē pātaka kai tuarua i tēnei rā hei hāpai te rawa kore.

He kāpata kai kore utu tuarua kua tuwhera i te hunga manawanui, kia tuku ai te ringa awhina ki te hunga rawa kore.

Ko tā Hannie Affleck, Kaitūao ki Ngā Ringa Awhina "the kids, their friends, they share a bread between each other, maybe in the morning they don't have anything for breakfast, they go to school hungry and I always like to help."

Ko ta Minita Tekuramea Karere "first day and it is already overflowing and the cupboard is too small so that's really cool."

Nā Gabrielle Thomson Heamana ki Ngā ringa Āwhina, te kapata kai tuatahi i timata i tana kainga i tēnei wiki, whai muri i tāna kite i te pai o tētahi atu kāpata kai i Tāmaki.

Ko tāna "I feel like we're doing something awesome as a community for each other and the opening of the second cupboard just goes to show how much support there is in Gisborne for this and the need for it as well."

He hiahia ka nui te uaua mo ētahi whānau, mena kaore rātou e eke ki te taumata whiwhi āwhina. Ko tā Thompson i te kahu o te pō tae mai te hunga kimi āwhina.

"For a family that is already struggling to eat not fitting the criteria it would be embarrassing. I'm hoping with this families know that when you come here there is no criteria you can just take what you need and if you can give back later on you can put back into the cupboard.

"What we are hoping for is that there are no families in Gisborne, even our kaumatua, they struggle too, that no one goes hungry."

Ka tuwhera te kāpata kai tuatoru hei tēra wiki.