National | Prince Harry

Prince Harry wows with te reo speech

Prince Harry drew gasps and applause for his smooth use of te reo Māori in his speech in Rotorua today.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have been attending a pōwhiri and luncheon at Te Papaiouru Marae on the last day of their tour of Aotearoa.

Te Arawa provided a welcome fit for royalty, winning plaudits from all in attendance.

Prince Harry also received a tewhatewha carved from 2,000 year old tōtara and gifted by Tūwharetoa.

A luncheon, prepared by Rene Mitchell and Masterchef winners Karena and Kasey Bird, is now underway.

The pair leave for Australia tomorrow.

Rereātea captured the couple's arrival at the marae and gift of korowai by Te Arawa.