Regional | Early Childhood Development

He pakanga kia tipu māhorahora ai te mokopuna

Tuatahi, he whawhai mō te mana tiaki i tā rāua mokopuna, ināianei e whawhai ana kia noho haumaru ia i te ao mātauranga.

Ko Paige Jordan rāua ko Michael Gower ngā kai-tiaki i tā rāua mokopuna, ā, ko tā rāua e whakapae nei, kei te whakahāweatia ia.

Hei tā Paige Jordan (Te Aitanga-a-Mate, Te Atiawa ki Pōneke), “It's hard I'm not going to lie and say it's not hard but she's ours she belongs to us and we love her very much”.

Nōnātata nei ka panaia te mokopuna a Paige Jordan i tōna kura kōhungahunga, he tuki ki tētahi atu tamaiti te take.

“We just felt that the lack of management being up-front with us, with the whole process of how it all happened it's just left us in a bit of a pickle really”, says Paige Jordan.

Hei tā te kaiwhakahaere o House of Wonder ki Tūranga hei tā Sherryll Markie-Brookes kei a rātau te haepapa kia tika, kia ōrite ngā āheinga ki ngā tamariki katoa. Hei tā Markie-Brookes kua eke ngā kaimahi ki tua atu hei whakatutuki i ngā mahi. Hei tāna anō, he rite tonu tāna whakawhiti kōrero ki a Paige Jordan me te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga.

Ko te whakatau he mate piringa, he rerenga kētanga i āna whangona, he turi anō hoki. I riro ā-ture ngā kaumātua i a ia, i te kōkā kua mauheretia.

Hei tā Paige Jordan, “It's not because they're a bad kid, they come with a story they have a story why they might be feeling that way so it's just a little bit of empathy and compassion”.

Kei te tautoko te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga i te whānau kia rapa i tētahi huarahi ako māna, engari he whitu haora noa iho ka utua ki ngā kaitiaki kura tuatahi.

“We've been fighting for her before she even came into our world and we're going to keep on fighting until I go out”, te kī Jordan.

Ināianei ka aro ki te whakarite kura tuatahi mō Kapohanga a Rangi a tērā tau.

Ki te pīrangi koe ki te tautoko atu, he whakairia he whārangi givealittle hei kohi pūtea mō te ara mātauranga a Kapohanga a Rangi.