Kei te whakatata atu a Ngāti Rangitihi ki te whakataunga kerēme i te hainatanga a Te Mana o Ngāti Rangitihi i te whakaaetanga ā-tikanga a Te Karauna ki Rangitihi Marae ki Matata.
Hei tā te Heamana o Te Mana o Ngāti Rangitihi hei tā Leith Comer “One of the most important objectives for Ngāti Rangitihi was to re-establish our presence here at Matata and at Tarawera”.
“He kaupapa nunui ngā tipuranga e tū mai te mahere ki mua nei mō tō tātau iwi, anō te whakapai whakatika i te āhua o tō tātau nei awa o Tarawera”, te kī a Leith Comer.
Hei tā te Minita Take Tiriti hei tā Andrew Little he ekenga nui tēnei e tutuki ai te kerēme o Ngāti Rangitihi.
"The Crown did not live up to expectations when it failed to adequately protect the awa from heavy pollution”, te kī a Little.
Hei tāna anō, “We're in a position where now the Crown can commit and good to see that Ngāti Rangitihi can commit and we can get on with now finalising all the details”.
E whā miriona tāra ka whakawhiwhia atu ki a Ngāti Rangitihi e Te Karauna, he whenua ka whakahokia, he ingoa taketake ka whakamanatia.
Hei tā Leith Comer, ka whai hua ngā uri o Ngāti Rangitihi i te tūhono atu ki Ruawāhia, ki Tarawera.
Ko tā Leith Comer, "They have offered to return land at Tapahoro, at Moura, at Omanuhiri, at Ngahereta, at Ruakokopu and also down to the falls, all of that land when you're on the lake will be Ngāti Rangitihi”.
Heoi kāre anō ngā take katoa kia tau.
Ko tā Andrew Little, “The Ngāti Rangitihi agreement has been one of the ones that's been more difficult to reach, there have been a lot of complicating factors we made some good progress, although there's one or two overlapping issues to resolve particularly with Tuhourangi”.
Hei tā Leith Comer, “We were asked to see if we can come to an agreement with Tūhourangi over the Waimangu Valley, at this stage we have not been able to, but we remain committed to talking to Tuhourangi to see if we can find a solution”.
Kei te karanga te poari o Te Mana o Ngāti Ranigithi ki ngā uri katoa kia rēhita, arā, kia whai wāhi atu ki ngā mahi kei mua.