National | Ngāti Porou

He tūao tiaki tai, he ring raupā ki rō hapori

Whiria te tangata - koia te tūāpapa o te wiki tūao, arā he kupu e whakatinanahia ana e Peter Boyd, te kaiwhakahaere o te karapu taiki tai o Ngāti Porou i te Tairāwhiti, arā ko te ahurea o te iwi o Ngāti Porou me nā mahi o Taiki Tai Aotearoa hei whāriki.

E tekau mā whitu tau te pakeke o Peter Boyd i te wā i tū ai tōna ringa hei tūao tieki tai.

“It's all about giving back to your community, it's about volunteering your time, that's what it's about, it's about giving your time up to patrol and make sure people are safe.”

Neke atu i te toru tekau a ia e whakaheke werawera ana ki ēnei mahi, ka mutu nāna tonu te karapu o Ngāti Porou Tieki Tai i whakarite.

“There's all those cultural connections around Tangaroa, you know our people have been so disconnected from the sea through certain things, but this is just a way to reconnect to our moana culture, you know being iwi moana again people of the sea.”

I tēnei wā kei tua atu i te rua tekau mā rima ngā mema o Ngāti Porou Tieki Tai, e kapi ana i ngā rohenga moana e rua rau kiromita te roa, ka mutu, e mahi ngātahi ana me ngā kaparu i Uawa, i Tūranga anō hoki.

“and teaching kids that it's good to volunteer your time, that's an important thing aye you know that giving your time up for you community you hapū your iwi is that, that's what it's about too aye, you don't have to be paid.”

Ko ngā kōrero tuku iho e pā ana ki a Paikea hei tūāpapa mō te karapu o Ngāti Porou, arā kia eke tangaroa, kia haumaru anō hoki.

“He's our example, he's our original lifeguard as we say in Ngāti Porou surf lifesaving, because he had to know about it whether it was his physical feats in the water, but he also knew about the tikanga and karakia and everything else around Tangaroa also.”

Hei tā Peter Boyd mā te tūhono atu ki te moana e ora ai te Māori ō ēnei rā, pērā anō me ngā tīpuna.

“You're guided by this, and I think, there's the adventure it keeps you young, it keeps you fit, it's exciting, and a lot the lessons you learn from the moana you can adapt back into everyday living.”

Kei te whakawhanake a Peter Boyd i te āheinga a ngā kura ki ngā mahi tieki tai, i Te Tairāwhiti.