He wāhi taratahi te hapori o Te Araroa i Te Tai Rāwhiti, ka mutu he iti ngā huarahi whai mahi. E hiahia ana te taratī o Te Rimu kia panoni i tērā, mā te hanga waka tāpapa, heoi, kei te kawa ētahi i tēnei whakaaro.
Mā te wāpu me te toneke moana e tipu ai te ohanga i Te Tairāwhiti, koia tā te taratī a Te Rimu.
Hei tā te heamana āwhina i Te Rimu Trust hei tā Hepa Akuhata-Brown, “The economic depression up there in the Northern East Coast, and we're trying to open up the potential there that's the reason why we've put this proposal forward, Te Rimu is facilitating the opportunity to put a port in on its own property.”
Heoi anō e tōtara wāhi rua ana te hapori, arā hei tā tētahi kaiwhakahē hei tā Kaddy Kamizona kāre i tika tā te taratī whakawhiti kōrero.
Ko tā Caddie Kamizona, “They say there's jobs, but they haven't said where's there's jobs, how many people around here need to operate a skipper's tickets to go drive this barge.”
Ko tēnei te wāhi noho a Caddie Kamizona, kei kō paku atu rā te awa o Karakatūwhero, te wāhi e whai nei te poari a Te Rimu kia hanga i te wāhi tuku i ngā rākau.
“Our roads here they're like the footpaths to our kids, they go to this river Karaka river to swim they ride their horses past they ride their bikes past, and now they're going to be confronted by more logging trucks” te kī a Kamizona.
Hei tā te taratī a Te Rimu, he mahere tēnei e whanake ai te ahumahi atu i Ruatōrea ki Pōtaka.
“There's a lot of unused land there that has the potential for horticulture, and of course you've got the moana, with the aquaculture and tourism, so having a port there is the key that will unlock the economic potential for that area”, te kī a Akuhata-Brown.
Ināianei ko tā te taratī a Te Rimu - he ketuketu i ngā rīpoata mō ngā pānga ā-taiao, ā-pāpori, ā-waihanga anō hoki.
“The technology is out there where you can have industry and look after the environment at the same time so we'll be looking at all of that”, te kī a Akuhata-Brown.
Ka whanga tonu te taratī a Te Rimu kia puta te whakatau ā te kāwanatanga, mēnā ka whakaaetia te rangahau tuarua.