Entertainment | Samoa

E $4000 ka takohahia e Tri-Māori ki Hāmoa

Ko Ariana Paul (moka matau) ka tuku koha ki ngā whānau pani i Hāmoa / Pūtake - Tuala Tagaloa Tusani Whārangi Pukamata.

E $4,000 tāla (tōna $2,250 NZD) kua takohahia e te te Rōpū Hauora Māori, e Tri-Māori ki te awhi i ngā mahi i Hāmoa. Nā te kaiwhakatū i a Tri-Māori, nā Ariana Paul te kōrero ki Te Ao Māori mō tana koha, i tukuna nōna i Hāmoa i tērā wiki.

I haere tahi a Paul me ētahi tūao nō te ASA Foundation, he rōpu ā hapori o Aotearoa e mahi āwhina ana i Hāmoa. I haere a Paul i te taha o ngā tūao hei tuku i ngā pūtea ki ngā whānau pani.

"Through Givealittle and other donations, that’s how they [ASA Foundation] were able to get koha out to families.”

I kōrerohia mai e Paul te take i toko ake ai te hiahia ki a ia kia tuku koha:

“One day Richard and Tuala [ngā tūao o ASA] were driving home from somewhere and Richard check his list [o ngā whānau i tono pūtea āwhina], and they checked what they had in terms of resources and they said;

”Well, that’s as much as we can do today.”

I pātai atu a Paul, he aha te take i mutu tōmua ai ā rātou mahi, ka whakamōhiotia ia, ka kore he pūtea e puta anō tae noa atu ki te 21 o Hakihea.

Ko te whakautu a Paul “Just take me to a bank, we’ve got work to do.”

I haria atu a Paul ki te whare pūtea, i reira ka tangohia atu te $4,000 tāla i ngā pūtea o Tri-Māori hei koha anō mā ASA i mua i te putanga o ngā pūtea Givealittle. Ēnei pūtea ka tukuna e ngā tūao o ASA Foundation ki ngā whānau kua tono āwhina atu.

Hei tā Paul, kua huri katoa tōna ao i āna wheako i Hamoa, ā e tūmanako ana ka whakakotahi a ngāi Māori ki te tuku āwhina ki ō tātou "tuakana" i Hāmoa.

Ahakoa kaare a ASA Foundation i tono pūtea āwhina atu i a Tri-Māori, kotahi te whakamāramatanga a Paul.

“If I can, I must.”