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He tutū ngā weranga whare i Taupō

He kāinga i Taupō kua wera i te ahi tutū i te wiki ki muri nei, ā e kimi āwhina ana ngā Pirihimana o te rohe i te iwi tūmatanui.

I te Rātapu te 12 o Kohitātea, he ahi nā te ringa nanakia i hika, i tūkino i ngā kāinga i te taha rāwhiti o Taupō moana - i Tauranga, i Taupō, i Waitetoko, i Hātepe.

He whānau i Hātepe i waimarie te puta ora mai i te ahi i hikaia ai i te wā e moe ana rātou i tō rātou whare.

Kei te nui te māharahara o ngā Pirihimana.

E rua ngā whare i wera ki te ahi, ka kaingia katoatia.

Nā Detective Sergeant Andy Livingstone te whakatau, he whakatewhatewhanga nui e whakahaerehia ana.

Kei te hiahia rongo kōrero ngā Pirihimana i te hunga i kite pea i ētahi motokā e haere ana i te Ara Matua 1 i te atapō o te Rātapu.

“In particular Police are interested in any vehicles entering or leaving the settlements of Hātepe, Waitetoko and Tauranga, Taupō,” te kī a Detective Sergeant Livingstone.

“We would especially be keen to hear from anyone with dash cam footage that may have captured vehicle details.

“And of course, if anyone has any other information about these arsons or the people involved, we would strongly urge you to come forward and share that information with Police.”

Ko te hunga mōhio ki ētahi whakamārama, me whakapā atu ki ngā Pirihimana o Taupō, i te nama waea 10-5.