National | Aotea

Te Kāhui Maunga confirms teams heading to Te Matatini for Aotea rohe

Te Reanga Morehu o Ratana, Ngā Purapura o te Taihauāuru, Te Matapihi and Aotea Ūtanganui will represent Aotea rohe at Te Matatini Herenga Waka Herenga Tāngata in Auckland next year.

Te Kāhui Maunga Society Inc have confirmed their representation overnight, as well as the decision to not hold a regional competition for 2020 highlighting that health, safety and well-being of all parties were crucial factors.

This comes just after Te Taitokerau announced their four teams heading to nationals as well.

Remaining rohe to confirm their teams heading to Te Matatini 2021 are Tainui, Waitaha and Te Tairāwhiti.

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