National | Karanga

Is tikanga Māori under threat of being lost?

Whai kōrero and karanga, two tikanga that resonate deeply with Māori. But are they under threat of being lost?

Te Ao Marama reporter Rukuwai Tipene-Allen asked experts from Te Tai Tokerau for their opinions on the state of taumata and puna roimata.

In response to the call for investment into the revitalisation of these tikanga Māori Crown Relations Minister: Te Arawhiti Kelvin Davis announced a pilot programme in Te Tai Tokerau to assist in revitalisation efforts.

The programme, Tauranga Kōtuku Rerenga Tahi, has been allocated an almost $3 million budget and draws from knowledge of kaumātua and kuia.  Rukuwai spoke to Quintin Hita about the developments of the kaupapa post-pandemic.