National | Government

Jackson wants funding increased for iwi radio and Māori TV

Māori Development Minister Willie Jackson has appointed a new independent advisory group to further strengthen the future of Māori broadcasting.

The group includes award-winning television producers Annabelle Lee-Mather, Nicole Hoey and Bailey Mackey, journalist/presenter Scotty Morrison, Māori media advocate Dr. Ella Henry and Communications Manager Jason Ake. Their appointment follows an extensive Māori media sector shift review by former Minister Nanaia Mahuta over the past 12 months and Jackson says advice from the group will support decision-making in relation to any improvements to Māori broadcasting, before making recommendations to the Cabinet next year.

In an interview with Te Ao Mārama on Wednesday, Jackson said he would continue to support Māori Television moving forward and hoped for an increase in funding for the station and iwi radio stations across the country.