The small Bay of Plenty town of Murupara is bracing itself as Covid starts to spread among its highly un-vaccinated population. The town already has four cases.
According to Ministry of Health data, just over half, or 51.6% of Murupara's eligible population is fully vaccinated, with only 67% having had their first dose. However, just 48.9% of its Māori population is fully vaccinated.
Local kaumātua Pem Bird says it's unfortunate Covid has arrived but it's not unexpected.
"We're pretty confident that we've got things under control. It's not what we wanted. We were expecting Covid here but we do have a plan to deal with it."
Local iwi health provider Te Ika Whenua Hauora is leading testing operations with district health board support but there are fears that, with such a low rate of vaccination, these cases could be just the tip of the iceberg.
But Pem is adamant the anti-Pfizer stance promoted by local GP Dr Bernard Conlon within Murupara remains resolute.
Community rallied behind GP
Murupara was in the news recently following comments made by the outspoken GP over the Pfizer vaccine. Dr Conlon had spoken about his "concerns with informed consent for children and pregnant women.”
Subsequently, the town rallied in support of Conlon, the lead GP at the Murupara Medical Centre, with hundreds of people gathering in the town centre in November for a march.
Despite the scrutiny, the community has rallied around their GP and local leaders, saying there was no anti-vax message.
Bird says support for Dr Conlon remains high in the town. "He is very unconventional so, while he's been pushed to the sideline, he has a way of connecting with us."
Te Puna Ora o Mataatua Charitable Trust chief executive Dr Chris Tooley says it's troubling to hear of widespread support of the anti-Pfizer stance among residents.
"The clinical safety and efficacy of all vaccines have been approved by MedSafe and we want to reassure our communities of this."
"We are aware of differing views of Pfizer vaccination in Murupara. Despite this, Te Puna Ora o Mataatua continues to support local organisations in Murupara with the clinical support they require to protect their community - including Te Ika Whenua Hauora and Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Manawa."
"With the recent confirmed cases of Covif-19 in Murupara, this is an important reminder of how much this is support is needed."