Regional | Bryce Dinneen

Papamoa Bulldogs make one man's dream come true

One of the most inspirational stories is from the Papamoa Bulldogs as they make one man's dream come true by helping him reach the top of a mountain.

Bryce Dinneen, who was left a tetraplegic after he broke his neck in a shallow water swimming accident in Wellington, had a dream of getting to the top of the Papamoa Hills in the Bay of Plenty.

Papamoa Bulldogs brought their community together to make Bryce's dream come true.

"At the end of the day, league is about community. It's about bringing people together. And giving Bryce the opportunity to get up into the hills and enjoy this beautiful view that we have here in Tauranga. It's really, really important," a Papamoa Bulldogs community member told Te Ao Toa.

Bryce was full of gratitude for the help realising his dream.

"Super grateful that the community has come together. It's amazing when you get like-minded people together what you can achieve.

"So, from me personally, thank you to all those involved, the community and Papamoa Rugby League Club," Bryce said.