Regional | Marty Roestenburg

Marty Roestenburg was once nicknamed 'The world's fastest Māori'

The fastest Māori on four wheels, Marty Roestenburg (Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāpuhi), spoke to Te Ao Toa about the New Zealand motorsport rally coming up in October.

"I've been a rally mad fan since I was a little fella, still am," says Rustenburg, who was at Haunui Jack's Ridge in Tāmaki Makaurau, which will be the final stage of Rally New Zealand.

"When I first left school, I went dairy farming and was out in the country and started driving on the gravel roads. And really fell in love with sliding around the corners.

"Wrecked a couple of road cars. It was a bit dangerous practising out on the public roads so I joined a car club.

"Bought my first rally car at 18 years old and still doing it," he says.