Regional | Co-Governance

NZ First members vote to repeal Treaty references in legislation, reject 'racist co-governance'

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New Zealand First members have voted to repeal references to the Treaty of Waitangi in legislation except in some circumstances, an NZ Herald report says.

Party members gathered in Christchurch for NZ First's conference have also reportedly voted to reject "racist co-governance ideology".

Northland representatives who introduced the Treaty-related remit were concerned by the "fad" of adding treaty references into legislation, Shane Jones is reported to have said.

"It's the view of the north that it is not adding one inch or one ounce of value and we need to call time on it."

The remit to review all legislation to repeal treaty references "except when related to statutory, full and final settlements" was approved by members.

The Herald says Jones supported the move but noted the exception included items such as the Ngāi Tahu settlement which he said would be "unwise to unwind".

A remit from Coromandel members was also approved - subject to one amendment - to "entrench [the party's] policy stance of one country, one flag, one vote - one person, one law for all New Zealanders, and reject separatist, apartheid framed, racist co-governance ideology."

The amendment removed the reference to apartheid.

The Herald says party members also voted to give English the same legal status as Te Reo Māori and New Zealand Sign Language by making it an official language.