Whakatau 2023 | Chris Hipkins

‘Bugger!’ - Labour leader Chris Hipkins tests positive for Covid at crucial point in election campaign

File / Whakaata Māori

Labour leader Chris Hipkins has revealed that he has tested positive for Covid-19, just as the party prepares to release its manifesto today.

Hipkins is isolating for five days. He earlier cancelled most of his engagements today after feeling unwell.

He was still intending to be at the release of the party’s manifesto this afternoon but confirmed in a statement at lunchtime that he has tested positive for the coronavirus.

“Bugger! After a rough night I woke up this morning feeling pretty unwell and just got this test result.

“I’m in close contact with New Zealanders on the campaign trail and I don’t want to pass it on to anyone, so I’ll be following the guidance and isolating for a few days or until I get a negative test.

“I’ll try to keep up as many campaign engagements remotely as I can.”

The Labour Party said it was working through the implications of how he will deal with the issue.

Further south, Labour’s candidate for Dunedin Rachel Brooking has also tested positive for Covid-19 and will be taking a few days off campaigning.