
Ngā Tamatoa original members to gather ‘in force’ at Waitangi

Original members of Ngā Tamatoa were welcomed to Tau Rangatira, next door to Te Tii Marae today. Photo credit: Rawhitiroa Photography, Te Rawhitiroa Bosch

Some of the original members of Ngā Tamatoa are to attend Waitangi “in force” after 53 years.

Now kuia and koroua, the veteran activists will share whakaaro ”offering a seasoned, and wise perspective” at a panel discussion on Monday.

“Kōrero will traverse half a century of recent history, delving into the implications of this experience alongside the critical issues currently facing Mãori communities today,” a release on Sunday said.

Pioneers of Treaty activism and Māori advocacy, they were young adults at their first protest at Waitangi.

“In 1971, they gathered at Waitangi to honour the Treaty with a groundbreaking presence and their resolute activism has gone on to shape significant change over the last 50 years at the Treaty grounds and across Aotearoa New Zealand.

“They stood up for land rights, Te Tiriti o Waitangi and the historic petition campaigning for te reo Māori to be taught in schools.”

“They were advancing indigenous rights for a better future, enshrining Maōri language, culture, and land. In this panel, they will talk about now being seen as legacy thought leaders and champions for Māori rights and culture.”

A marquee will be set up on-site for them to unwind from Waitangi Day activities and “talk to curious visitors, conduct hui, engage with the media and host esteemed guests”.

Members of Ngā Tamatoa will also support Tame Iti’s art programme as an expression of their commitment to contemporary Māori creative practice.

“This collaboration reflects the group’s multifaceted approach to fostering Māori heritage.”

A pōwhiri for the group is planned for 1.30pm today at Tau Rangatira, next door to Te Tii Marae.