Indigenous | Moko Kauae

Jenny-May Clarkson reveals moko kauae

Jenny-May Clarkson. Photo / @jmayclarkson / Instagram

Jenny-May Clarkson (Ngāti Maniapoto, Ngāti Kahu) has received her moko kauae this weekend.

“I just closed my eyes and pictured my grandmother’s face. Her soft eyes, her round face, that twinkle in her eye. I wondered how proud she would be,” she told 1News.

The television presenter and former Silver Ferns netballer told 1News some doubts crept in the next morning about the reactions she might receive but she eventually woke feeling peaceful.

“Everybody is on their own journey and I understand if perhaps some members of our audience find it abrasive. But this is still me. I just choose to wear who I am now.”