National | Matariki

Matariki Festival 2024: A time of reflection and wānanga

Matariki celebrations kicked off this weekend as hapori gathered in Pukekohe for this year’s festival launch.

A pōwhiri and parakuihi was held at Ngā Hau e Whā Marae o Pukekohe with hapū Ngāti Tamaoho as hosts alongside Te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau.

Melz Huata-Lucas (Ngāti Kahungungu, Ngāi Tūhoe, Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Ngāi Tahu) from Te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau said the festival events are free and encouraged whānau to attend.

“It was an amazing event up at Pukekohekohe Hill this morning. We had a great turnout from the hapori here out at Pukekohe. Ngāti Tamaoho led us through beautiful hautapu this morning launching karakia out to the whetū. We got a clear view of the sky which was amazing because yesterday it was a little worrying with the weather.

“I highlight this time as a time for whānau to come together to reconnect to and to rejuvenate. So Matariki to me is really encompassing my whānau values and morals and how we can share with others in the community and the hapū as well.”

Huata-Lucas said Matariki is about sharing and creating whānau traditions for the years ahead.

“If you don’t know anything about it I encourage you to get along to one of the events across Tāmaki so that you learn a little bit more about it.

“But if you want to learn about Matariki, it is good to remember those who have passed on and think about your own goals. That is why I’ve come here to support the significant event of Matariki.”

Piripi Kahi (Ngāti Tamaoho) said it’s a time for whānau to be together to plan the year ahead.

“We look ahead, we also reflect on the year that has passed. But it symbolises the new year and the dreams of our whānau - how do we fulfill our collective potential for those living in Tāmaki and Aotearoa abroad.”

It will run from June 15 to 30 with more information about the festival here.

Natasha Hill
Natasha Hill

Natasha Hill (Ngāti Whakaaue, Te Ātihaunui-a-Pāpārangi) has an interest in telling rangatahi stories, community, and arts. If you want to share your kōrero, email her at