Regional | Northland

Northland whānau distraught following banning from Whangārei Hospital by Oranga Tamariki

A family in Northland claims it is being vilified by Oranga Tamariki, which has seen the whānau trespassed from Whangārei Hospital while their child is undergoing surgery.

For privacy reasons, Te Ao Māori News is unable to identify the child and parents and Oranga Tamariki is unable to provide a comment.

We understand that the toddler suffers from a congenital condition.

While at the hospital, the child underwent a procedure that is typically ordered when there is a suspicion of physical abuse towards a child or a non-accidental injury.

The whānau, speaking through a spokesperson, says it rejects the assertion that the child is being subjected to physical abuse.

The whānau have set up a vigil outside Whangārei Hospital and have shared their plight via social media.

Green Party MP Huhana Lyndon has been in contact with Whangārei Hospital and whānau. Lyndon believes that this is an overreaction by the government department.

“As Māori, we are worried they enacted orders to take the baby prematurely.”

“All eyes are on Oranga Tamariki and how they are implementing their policies and procedures.

“The welfare of pēpi is of utmost priority. But the wider whānau need to feel included in the kōrero.”

Te Ao Māori News asked Te Whatu Ora Northland for comment but a spokesperson said it was unable to provide comment as this was an issue for Oranga Tamariki and local police.

More to come.