National | Methamphetamine

Police recover 31 blocks of meth disguised as lollies

Photo: NZ Police

Police say they have now recovered 31 blocks of methamphetamine disguised as Rinda Pineapple lollies.

They are also in the process of recovering one more, making the total 32.

Detective Inspector Glenn Baldwin said they were still trying to figure out how many lollies were distributed out to the public.

“We are not aware of any additional phone calls being received this afternoon.

“The team are appreciative of everyone who has contacted the police to assist us in recovering these dangerous items.”

Some enquiries have suggested six to eight lollies were disposed of by families who received the Auckland City Mission food parcels.

“Based off this information it would suggest that up to 40 lollies have been accounted for overall,” Baldwin said.

As police try to recover the remaining candy, they are also investigating an earlier report of a Facebook Marketplace advert for the piece of meth.

“These enquiries are still ongoing at this point, and we reiterate that dealing methamphetamine is a serious offence.”

If food parcel recipients have one of the Rinda branded lollies, police ask them to contact 105 or 111 quoting the file number 240813/5919.

If they are concerned they may have consumed one of these lollies and are feeling unwell, they should go to their nearest healthcare provider urgently.

Alternatively, they can call the national poison line on 0800 764 766.