National | Auckland City Mission

Police have recovered 41 meth lollies but say 14 more still in community

Photo: NZ Police

Police have confirmed 41 methamphetamine lollies have now been recovered and accounted for but they expect this figure to reach at least 65 given information received Friday afternoon.

“The Auckland City Mission has advised further families notified them that they still have, or disposed of, some lollies,” said Detective Inspector Glenn Baldwin

“The information is that this amounts to a further 24 meth lollies, and Police are in the process of following up with these families.”

Investigations continue as a further five families are said to have also received these meth lollies.

“We are still working to understand how many lollies they received, but initial enquiries suggest they received three on average.”

Between Thursday night and Friday morning, no additional lollies were recovered; no further phone calls were received from members of the public; and no further hospitalisations were reported.

Police are still looking into the actual number of lollies there are in the community and how the candy was donated to Auckland City Mission.

If food parcel recipients have one of the Rinda branded lollies, police ask them to contact 105 or 111 quoting the file number 240813/5919.

If they are concerned they may have consumed one of these lollies and are feeling unwell, they should go to their nearest healthcare provider urgently.

Alternatively, they can call the national poison line on 0800 764 766.