Regional | Drugs

Police shut down Auckland rental properties being used to grow cannabis

Cannabis plants located by police. Photo / NZ Police

The police have shut down a network of rental properties in Auckland that were being used to grow cannabis.

The 20 properties were across the suburbs of Somerville, Botany Downs, Pakuranga and Ōtara.

They were being used by Vietnamese organised crime rings to hide a raft of illegal activity.

Counties Manukau East Police, supported by the Ministry of Business Employment and Innovation, targeted the properties, with police saying they were being “unwittingly” used to grow cannabis.

As a result, 953 cannabis plants were destroyed, along with 13 kilograms of cannabis.

Cannabis plants located by police

An estimated $289,323 worth of stolen electricity had also been used across the properties.

Senior Sergeant Al Grant said the syndicates were modifying rental properties to cultivate cannabis with extremely dangerous electrical installations.

“In some instances, this dodgy wiring has caused homes to burn to the ground, and it’s extremely fortunate there has been no loss of life,” Grant said.

He added that fuses were replaced at the rental properties searched.

“Some of the fuses were so hot an electrician could not touch them, and the wire had melted – they were ready to catch fire.

“We’d estimate millions of dollars’ worth of electricity is being stolen every year to run these operations overall.”

Over 900 plants were destroyed.

Grant said this is just the start of their operation, with police continuing to disrupt operations around Auckland.

“These properties may seem innocent enough and do not really attract neighbours’ attention.

“Make no mistake, these syndicates are well connected to gangs and this cannabis is a large source of income for their illegal operations.”

He said, in many cases, those found minding the houses have been deceived into coming to New Zealand, with a promise of legitimate employment.

A bag of some of the cannabis found by police.
NZ Police

Then once in the country they are placed into forced illegal labour to repay the debt incurred in travelling here, Grant said.

As a result, police are now reminding landlords to be vigilant when renting out their properties.

They say it is important to ensure there are regular property inspections and a thorough vetting process.

Police say if people see suspicious activity, such as deliveries of easy grow and fertiliser bags being dropped off, or signs a meter has been tampered with, to contact them.

- Stuff
