
Kua ara ake ētahi māharahara mō Te Whare o Te Rangatiratanga

Kei te māharahara ētahi o ngā hapū o Ngāti Kahungunu ki te āhua o Te Whare o te Rangatiratanga, te ‘Pāremata Māori’ kei te kōkirihia e Te Amorangi ki Mua.

Ko Mereana Pittman tērā o Ngāti Kahungunu kei te wero i te whakatūnga mai o tēnei kaupapa, ka mutu, koia tētahi o te hunga nā rātou te hīkoi takutai moana i whakatū, i te tau 2004.

Hai tāna, ko tēnei rautaki e whakahaerehia ana e Te Amorangi ki Mua, kāre i tino hāngai ki te mana motuhake o ngā hapū.

“It seemed to me that there were people in the motu who wanted to pick up the model and run away with it and take it to another place without actually going backwards because we need to go backwards. If you want to do that, then you need the tautoko of the people to go with you.”

I rere ngā taupatupatu i te wānanga ā-motu i tū i tērā wiki, ki Ōmāhu Marae, ki Heretaunga.

Ko te ia o ngā whakawhiu, mēnā rānei he pai te rautaki mō Te Whare o Te Rangatiratanga ki te hunga i tae atu.

I ahu mai Te Whare o Te Rangatiratanga i te rīpoata o Matike Mai, i tuhia e Ahorangi Mākere Mutu rāua ko Moana Jackson.

Ko Pitman tētahi o ngā kaihāpai o Matike Mai, i puakingia mai i te tau 2016, ā, i ahu mai ko ngā poupou o Te Whare o te Rangatiratanga i tērā rīpoata.

Radio Kahungunu must of been told to delete this. Ooop. 😎 Mereana Pitman

Posted by Tama-Tane Tomoana on Thursday, January 9, 2025

E whakapono ana ia, he mea tiki nā te rōpu nei ētahi wāhanga pai ki a rātau, ka whakahāngai ai ki wāhi kē atu, ki horopaki kē atu.

“The document that you’re quoting, He Whakaputanga and Te Tiriti o Waitangi are very clear about this authority, this control, this power comes from the hapū. So why aren’t you going backwards? Why aren’t you going back to talk to us? Why are we not being involved with this?”

Hai tā te heamana o Ngāti Kahungunu, tā Bayden Barber, kei te wānangatia tonuhia te āhua o tēnei whare.

“Kāre he whakatau, kāre mātau i te kimi ki tētahi whakatau. Ko te mahi nui, ko te whakawhiti i ngā whakaaro, ko te whakawhiti i ngā kōrero mō tātou anō, mō te oranga, mō te hapaitanga o tātou te iwi Māori. Nōreira i pērā mātou. Nōreira e harikoa ana i te āhuatanga o te wānanga, ko ētahi whakawhitinga kōrero he uaua, heoi anō ko tātou tērā te iwi Māori.”

That wasn’t the final decision; we do not have a final decision. The big job is to share ideas and words about ourselves, about how we can further support all Māori. So that’s how we’ve done it. Overall I’m happy with how the wānanga went; some conversations were tough, but that’s who we are as Māori.

Hai tā Pitman me tīmata mai ēnei kōrero ki roto i ngā kāinga, me kī, ngā hapū.

“We would come out a lot stronger if we did those things, if we went back to the hapū if we went back to the people. You can’t do anything in Māoridom unless you have the people behind you.”

Heoi anō, e ai ki a Barber, e tautoko ana a ia i ngā kōrero kua whakatakotoria e Pitman.

“E tika ana me kaha wānanga tātou ngā hapū, ngā marae ngā kaupapa i tēnei. E tautoko ana a au i tērā. Heoi anō, ko te wānanga tuatahi tēnei. Kāre anō kia hōrapa ēnei kōrero mai Paritu ki Tūrakirae, kua karangahia te hui ā iwi ki te wāwāhi i ngā kōrero mō Te Whare o Te Rangatiratanga. Me kōrero tonu tātou i tēnā, mēnā koirā te hiahia. Ko ētahi o rātou kāre i te hiahia i tētahi whare pēnei i tēnei. Heoi anō, kei te kimi tātou, kei te rapu tātou i tētahi kotahitanga hei painga mā tātou te iwi Māori.”

It’s right for us to deliberate this matter with hapū, marae, and different leadership teams. I support that. However, this is only the first wānanga. This is yet to reach the borders of Kahungunu from Paritu to Tūrakirae. The tribal gathering was called to delve into Te Whare o Te Rangatiratanga. We should discuss that if that is what the people want. Some people don’t want a whare like this. However, we are trying to find unity to benefit all of Māoridom.

Michael Cugley
Michael Cugley

Michael Cugley is a Te Ao Māori News reporter. If you have a story to share with Michael, email him at