Reo Māori | Treaty principles bill

‘Ko mātou te papa.’ Ko ngā whakaaro a ngā taha e rua mō te pire mātāpono o Te Tiriti kua rangona

E 50 neke atu ngā tāngata, rōpū anō hoki i whakapuakina ai a rātau whakaaro, te take i whakaae mai, i whakahē mai rānei rātou i tēnei pire.

Inanahi rā, rere ai ngā tāpaetanga kōrero mō te pire mātāpono o Te Tiriti o Waitangi ki te mua i te komiti whiriwhiri i ngā take ture, ā, kua tetē mai ngā niho o ngā taha e rua.

E 50 neke atu ngā tāngata, rōpū anō hoki i whakapuakina ai a rātau whakaaro, te take i whakaae mai, i whakahē mai rānei rātou i tēnei pire.

Ko tētahi e whakahē ana i te pire nei, ko te rōia Māori nō Ngāti Raukawa me Ngāti Porou, ko Ani Mikaere.

Ko tāna, ko te iwi Māori te papa o tēnei pire.

“This bill to me epitomises what I regard as lowest common denominator politics. It panders to the basis of colonial instinct; it incentivises those who have benefited from the immoral conduct of their forebearers to support an interpretation of Te Tiriti that guarantees the preservation of their ill-gotten gains at our expense.”

Te reo whakahē

Ko Hobson’s Pledge tētahi rōpū i tuku i tana tautoko i te pire, ka mutu, i āta whakamārama mai rātou i te tino matū o te kōrero, ‘he iwi kotahi tātou,’ te kōrero i whakapuakihia mai rā e Kāwana Hopihana, i te rā i haina ai Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

Hai tā tētahi mangai o te rōpū, tā Elliot Ilikei, ahakoa kei te tautoko ia i te pire, he āpitihanga tāna kia ea ai te whakatauākī a tōna rōpū.

“Existing treaty settlements contradict principles one and number three, many settlements are yet to be concluded. This is likely to create rights superior to those of other New Zealanders.

“Perhaps this is why we see in our culture, in our workplaces, and even today in many, not all, but many of our speeches today, an articulation of white guilt on one side and victimhood on the other side.”

“These do not help our people; they do not help our nation. We need to get rid of them.”

Ko Elizabeth Rata hoki tētahi o te hunga whakaae.

E whakapono ana ia ko te pire e kōrerotia nei tētahi ara whakamua mō Aotearoa.

Hai tāna ko te pire nei e aro pū atu ana ki te anamata o Niu Tīreni hai whenua mana nui, ā, ki te whakahē tētahi i te pire nei, ko tāna, he whakatairanga kē i te whakatāuke tangata.

“Nearly 150 years later, that commitment is under serious threat from those who would replace liberal democracy with tribal sovereignty and, by doing so, create a racialised society—apartheid.

“That’s why I support the Treaty Principle Bill—because it provides a coherent and succinct statement capturing what liberal democracy is—something we should all know, especially the Members of Parliament who represent us, the people of New Zealand.”

Kia mau ki te mana Māori motuhake

Hāunga rā te wāhi ki a taipakeke mā, ko te reo o te rangatahi, he mea tuku ki te komiti whiriwhiri inanahi, ā, ko te ngarohanga o te mana Māori motuhake tētahi māharahara nui.

Ko te toa whakaihuwaka o te whakataetae o Ngā Manu Kōrero i tērā tau, ko Te Kanawa Wilson, te waha kōrero i ngā whakaaro rangatahi. He tauira tonu ia nō te wharekura o Ngā Taiātea, ā, he tamaiti i tipu mai i te reo, i ngā tikanga Māori, i te whakaaro Māori anō hoki.

Hai tāna ko te pire nei, he wairua tāmi tōna, he aupēhi tāna mahi.

“Ko taku āwangawanga nui ki tēnei pire, e pīrangitia ana kia tū ai au hei New Zealander, tēnā, i tētahi uri nō ngā iwi me ngā hapū. Nō reira, nā te mana motuhake me ngā mātāpono tūturu o Te Tiriti o Waitangi au i ora ai, ehara i te mea nā taku Niu Tīrenitanga.”

Michael Cugley
Michael Cugley

Michael Cugley is a Te Ao Māori News reporter. If you have a story to share with Michael, email him at