Kua tipu mārika te hiahia o te marea ki ngā mātauranga mō te Tiriti.
Koirā te whakahau a te kaituhi pukapuka Ross Calman, i te whakarewanga o tāna pukapuka hōu.
“Kua piki ake te hiahia i roto i a tauiwi, kia mōhio pū ki ngā mahi nei i te mea, te hunga pakeke rā, kāre i ako ki ēnei kaupapa i roto i te kura,” te kī a Calman nō Ngāti Toa, Ngāti Raukawa ki te Tonga, me Ngāi Tahu.
Ko Te Tiriti o Waitangi te ingoa o tāna pukapuka hōu, te tuawhā o ngā pukapuka kua tuhia e ia mō ngā take Tiriti.
Hei tāna, ka noho mai te pukapuka hou nei hei rauemi ako mā te katoa.
“Ka aro tēnei pukapuka [ki] ngā mahi o te tau 1840, engari ka aro ki ngā tau rua tekau nei, ki ngā mahi porotēhi, ki ngā mahi a ngā rōia, ngā mahi whakatau kerēme.”
Ko te Pire Mātāpono o te Tiriti, ko Te Hīkoi mō te Tiriti hoki, wētahi o ngā kaupapa nui i whakahihiko ai i te tini ngerongero, kia ketuketu i ngā take Tiriti i ngā tau tata nei.
“He pukapuka hou e āta wherawherahia ana ngā tū āhua o ngā tau tata nei.”
Te Tiriti a top seller in bookstores
Jo McColl, the owner of Unity Books Auckland, has managed the Tāmaki Makaurau branch for over 30 years and notes that the demand for Māori books and topics related to Māori issues in their stores is currently greater than ever.
Understanding Te Tiriti by Roimata Smail is another popular book from the store. McColl says 232 copies were sold within the last month.
“There’s a large range of books on the Treaty, all of which are flying out the door. Our Wellington store sold probably double that number, if not more.
“I think it’s just been a tipping point in New Zealand’s journey, and so many people wanna get onto the journey and learn more about their history and catch up more on what they missed out on in school.”
“He mahi nui kei mua i a tātau ki te tuhi i a tātau kōrero hītori.”
Hei tā Calman, kua tītaha wētahi o ngā tuhinga hītori mō ngā take Māori.
“Ko te nuinga kua tuhia e ngā tāngata, kāore e āta mārama ki ngā whakaaro, ki ngā tikanga, ki ngā āhuatanga Māori me te kore mōhio hoki ki [te reo] Māori.”
E ai ki a Calman, ehara tēnei i te mahi haukume i ngā kaipānui, engari anō, he whakakī i ngā kete mātauranga, kia pai ai te whakatau a te marea i a rātau ake tirohanga ki wēnei take.
“Mā tēnei pukapuka, ka taea te āta whakaaroaro i ēnei momo take, ēnei momo kaupapa. Mā te kaipānui anō e whakatau, kei whea ia e tau ana i roto i ēnei kaupapa nui o te motu.
“Mā te pānui i ēnei pukapuka, mā te whakarongo ki ngā mātanga, koirā te huarahi hei whakapiki ake i tā rātau mōhiotanga mātauranga e pā ana ki ēnei kaupapa.”
Kua tukuna atu te pukapuka Te Tiriti o Waitangi ki ngā toa pukapuka huri noa i te motu.