Kua rewa te pakipūmeka hou arā ko ‘Tupu te Ara’ i te pēne pūoro rakatū Māori, i a Alien Weaponry.
He tirohanga te pakipūmeka ki te ao o te pēne Māori nei, ngā mahi i runga i te atamira me ngā mahi whakariterite i a rātau anō kia whakaaturia pai ai te āhua o te Māori.
Hai tā tētahi o āna kaiwaiata te kaipao pahū, tā Henry Te Reiwhati de Jong ko te pakipūmeka nei he matapihi ki tōna ao hai kaiwaiata ka mutu, he tirohanga ki te ao Māori anō hoki.
“It gives people an insight into who we are as a band and where we come from. Without spoiling anything, I think if someone is remotely interested in metal, remotely interested in the world and how it is or te ao Māori they should be watching it.”
I tīmataria te pēne nei i te tau 2017 me tā rātau kohinga waiata tuatahi arā ko Tū.
Nō reira ka hau atu te rongo o ā rātau waiata ki ngā tōpito o te ao whānui nei.
Ko ngā whenua i Ūropi, i Amerika, me te huhua noa atu ētahi wāhi i whakangahautia e te pēne nei, ā ko te kite i ngā Māori ki whenua kē atu tētahi oranga ngākau ki a Tūranga Edmonds, i a ia e mokemoke ana ki te kāinga
“It is fascinating seeing where it is that you might bump into more Māori when we’re out and about on tour. We’ll be in seemingly the middle of nowhere and we get on stage and see a tino rangatiratanga flag in the crowd.”
Ngā poutuarā o te pēne
Ko Henry rāua ko Lewis de Jong ngā poutuarā o te pēne, ā ko ō rāua mātua hoki ngā hika o te ahi e pūkākā ana i te puku kia rangatira ai tō rātau tū ki te tuku waiata reo Māori.
E whakaatu ana hoki te whakatipuranga o Henry rāua ko Lewis me tō rāua kaha ki te waiata nō rāua e nohinohi tonu ana.
E mea ana a Lewis, ko te ao waiata, whakatangitangi pūoro hoki tētahi kākāno i ruia e ō rāua mātua.

“It was never discouraged and then when we wanted to persue it and take it seriously they were nothing but supportive and they’re the reason we are where we are today.”
Ko te tuatoru o te pēne nei, arā te kaiwhakatangitangi rakuraku, ko Tūranga Porowini Morgan-Edmonds.
Kia Māori te tū
I uru atu a Tūranga ki te pēne i tōna whā tau ki muri, ā kua tōia hoki āna mōhiotanga ki te ao Māori hai hāpai ake i tō te pēne wawata, arā kia Māori ai te hanga.
Hai tāna ahakoa nōnatata nei a ia i uru atu ki te pēne, kua whanake tonu tāna tū i mua i te aroaro o te manomano tāngata ki whenua kē.
“A cool thing to me for example watching it now the footage of my first tour with Alien Weaponry which was just out of Aotearoa’s lockdown period and seeing how much myself, actually all three of us have evolved in our performance for example since I’ve joined the band and how we’ve found our footing as performers together.”
I ao ake te wawata kia Māori katoa te hanga o tā rātau whakangahau tāngata i ngā whēakoranga a te Māori i roto i te rautau kua pahure, ā me te maranga ake o ngā rōpu whawhai mō te oranga o te reo Māori me ngā tikanga.
Hai tā Tūranga anō ko ngā mahi a ngā rōpu whawhai o te naianei ētahi pouwhakaaweawe i a rātau.
“We’ve still got Koro and Kuia that grew up in a time where those things weren’t as open or welcomed by society or the governments in power. Even though we’re in a political climate that does want to challenge that, we now really have those young ones are happy to challenge it back, which is really awesome to see.”
Kai ngā whare piktia huri i te motu tēnei pakipūmeka hou, e kī a nei ko ‘Tupu te Ara.’